False Claims in Coffee Origins

You have probably come across the issue of false claims in food products before. The cases of companies like Dannon come to mind, when a few years ago had to pay one of the largest ever settlements for false advertising of some of their yogurt products. The same happens in coffee, and perhaps more often than we know. I always wondered about the amount of "Kona" coffee being sold at Costco, Walmart, Marshalls, and the likes. Mainly because anyone with a simple calculator and access to Google, could probably figure out that Kona does not produce that much coffee to begin with. At most 2 Million lbs a year. Yet between all these stores claiming to sell "Kona Coffee", that much coffee would have added to over 20 Million lbs!!! 

The Hawaiian farmers had had enough of this for so many years, that finally in 2019 filed a lawsuit against these retailers forcing them to pay a substantial fine and taking actions to restrict their capacity to lie to consumers. In reality, the same happens with Jamaican coffee, Haitian coffee, and other so called origin coffees. Large retailers and roasters can claim anything on their bags and marketing materials, because really, there is little that can be used to prove otherwise or enough capacity by farmers to bring these companies to court.

So, are you being cheated in the coffee you buy? Are you doing your homework when it comes to the coffee you grab from the shelf of the supermarket? Do you really know where your coffee is from? Best thing you can do, is approach your local roaster, ask them about their Single Origin coffees, and see how they roast it with your own eyes. Participate in a coffee cupping experience, or take a coffee roasting class. Learn about coffee! The more you learn the more you will enjoy it!



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